January 2016

Found 4 blog entries for January 2016.

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. (CMHC) has been eyeballing the real estate market in Edmonton, and have found moderate evidence that housing is overvaluated in this city.

Spell-check will flag overvaluated as a non-word, a combination of over and evaluated, but the message is pretty clear.

In the last quarter of 2015 CMHC observed that home prices are dropping but not in proportion or not supported by other economic drivers in Edmonton, such as income and jobs, mortgage rates and growth of the population.  This means, despite what’s happening in Alberta the growth of house prices has not kept in step. The rate of decline is not the same rate of decline as other drivers which could be problematic.

When CHMC does as assessment of a market, it

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It’s a tough market right now in Edmonton.  If you follow market statistics, you’ll know that last year only 54% of homes listed on MLS in Edmonton and area actually moved off the market.  That’s means the other 46% didn’t sell or the owners gave up.  If your home is up for sale and not selling is not an option, what can you do to ensure success?

A new approach

There’s an old theory about what happens when people do the same thing over and over again with the expectation of a different outcome.  The same theory applies when it comes to developing a new approach to marketing your home.  

A common practice when sellers get anxious about the small number of showings their home is getting with no offers is to change real estate agents.   That isn’t

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Many of Edmonton's new construction communities have storm water ponds, a wonderful water feature that is trendy for a variety of good reasons. Recreational skating and pond hockey are not some of those reasons.

Environmentally sound and economical for developers and municipalities to build and maintain, storm water ponds are different from natural ponds or even dugouts out on the farm. There are at least 160 storm water ponds in the City of Edmonton, many in new communities where they've become a neighbourhood lifestyle selling feature. Many are right outside people's back doors and in winter, the temptation to scrape off the snow and set up a rink for shinny is pretty big.

Research in Edmonton

Edmonton scientists have spent some time the last

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Property assessors have been sharpening their pencils and the results are in.  Even though our Alberta economy is on shaky ground, property values as assessed by the City of Edmonton have risen right across the board.

Rod Risling, manager of the city's assessment and taxation branch, assured Edmonton media recently that his team of assessors reviewed every property transaction through land titles and that increases are a reflection of the real estate market. Risling points to market activity that occurred over the summer months in Edmonton.

Assessments are in the Mail

Tax assessment notices will be distributed to Edmonton property owners in the new few weeks. Heads up for those who own a condominium or for those who live in the Homesteader

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