November 2019

Found 2 blog entries for November 2019.

Tools You Should Own to Take Care of Your New HomeAre you buying a Fort Saskatchewan home sometime in the next few months? If so, then you'll need some good tools on hand. If you've been a renter up to this point, you probably have a few random screw drivers, but landlords have likely been doing home maintenance for you. Now is the time for you to buy some tools that will help you take care of your yard and assist you through the move-in process.

Power Drill

Power drills are useful for putting shelves up on walls, installing curtain rods and hanging heavy items like big mirrors. Power drills are relatively inexpensive and can shave half an hour or more off a task, depending on what that task is. Homeowners who want to assemble structures like a back yard deck or a swing set for children may also

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3 Home Renovations That Will Negatively Impact the Sale of Your HomeHome improvement is one of the best ways to increase the value of a home. High-ROI home improvements like kitchen updates and energy-efficient upgrades are an asset to St. Albert homeowners, but not every home renovation will increase a home's value. In fact, several can even cause homeowners to lose money. Here are a few bad home renovations that can tank the value of your home.

Constructing a Swimming Pool

Though pools are thought of as idyllic places to relax, cool off, and gather with friends, homeowners looking to increase their home's value with a renovation should look elsewhere. Although swimming pools are fun, they require a lot of cleaning and can be an insurance nightmare to deal with. Because of this, many prospective buyers are

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