November 2016

Found 3 blog entries for November 2016.

The Liberal government has announced that it intends to address our country's affordability issues in the real estate industry. Canadians are waiting for specific plans, but in the meantime, the Canadian Home Builder's Association has a few suggestions not only about the overheated markets of Vancouver and Toronto but everywhere, including the Edmonton market.

What can the feds do about the high cost of housing in Canada?

The Canadian Real Estate Magazine recently sat down with Bob Finnigan, CHBA President to get his thoughts on what the government could or couldn't do to help get more Canadians into their own homes.

Finnigan admitted that affordability is one of the housing industry's biggest challenges. He said that the CHBA has prepared and

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One benefit of purchasing a brand-new home is the fact that it's energy efficient, built to the latest standards with efficient materials. Now, a new home will be even more efficient thanks to new requirements recently adopted by the Alberta government.

Our province has joined most of the other Canadian provinces with the addition of new codes to further reduce greenhouse gas output from new construction.

In 2014, buildings in Alberta released 19 megatonnes of greenhouse emissions, accounting for 7% of the total greenhouse gas produced in the province. Danielle Larivee, the province's municipal affairs chief, announced at a recent press conference that 7% might be a small number but it still has impact. The press conference was held in a new home on

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How many thousands of people walk through the doors of the venerable West Edmonton Mall every day?   And how many thousands more during the Christmas shopping season?  But truth be told, you wouldn’t want to shop anywhere else.  Yes, there are lineups.  Yes, there will be a bit of chaos and you might be tempted to avoid the mall even though you know you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for there.  But just like a boy scout, be prepared and you’ll be in and out with your purchases before you can say Bah – Humbug.

Start with Research

Spend some quality time with yourself shopping online to save time and make your dollar stretch farther.  Bring up your favourite West Ed retailers and check for sales.  If there’s ever a time to not pay full price for

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