February 2018

Found 2 blog entries for February 2018.

All over the world, countries are continuing to invest their efforts into renewable and energy-efficient technologies at the national, local, and residential levels. Canada is quickly becoming a leader in efficient and renewable means of energy production—at present, Canada ranks second in the world for hydroelectric energy, which provides almost 60 percent of the country’s electricity. The nation’s renewable energy capacity, perhaps most notably in wind and solar, has grown dramatically just in the past several years. Since consumption of energy is on the rise for the average household, it is perfectly natural for homeowners to wonder how they can take part in this movement to become more energy conscious. As it stands, there are plenty of

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Five Stages Homeowners Need for a Moving PlanThe one thing everyone understands about moving is that it can take a long time to prepare. Making an effort to do it properly could save a lot of hassle. With these tips, home sellers can plan to move by performing tasks in an ideal order.

Planning and Preparation: 6-8 Weeks Before

Getting ready to move is best done with at least 2-3 months of advance notice. Although not every Westmount household gets this much time to prepare, taking opportunities as they come will make sure that the last few weeks are less frantic. In the beginning, homeowners can start to shift the balance from selling to moving. Creating a moving plan that is easy for everyone in the house to follow will make it easier to maintain over time. It is wise to start with a

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