May 2016

Found 3 blog entries for May 2016.

It used to be that people finished university and launched their careers.  Now, for the first time in a generation or two, there are more 18 to 34-year-old people living at home in the U.S. than living in other arrangements. That could include living alone or with room-mates, sibling, common-law or with a spouse.

This information was made public recently by the Pew Research Centre based in Washington, D.C.  

Two years ago in 2014, 32% of young adults 34 and under were living in their parents’ house which was the highest percentage out of other possibilities.

The primary reason cited for this shift towards staying cozy in the nest is because there has been a sharp decline since the 1960s of young people in America settling down into long-term

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As a homeowner, you know that you are responsible for the upkeep of the yard surrounding your home.  This is actually mandated by zoning by-laws written by the City of Edmonton.  Property owners, including landlords, must by law landscape any part of their yard, be it the front yard or side, that are visible from the street where the public travels.  The back yard is a matter of opinion only, often a matter between you and your neighbours.

If you have purchased a newly constructed home, the builder will often provide very basic landscaping.  If the builder hasn’t, it is your responsibility to ensure that the yard surrounding your home, visit from the public street, is landscaped within 18 months of the time you occupied your home.  The by-laws

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The importance of adequate insurance for your home has never been as brutally illustrated as it has been the past week in Fort McMurray. Not only the importance of having it, but in having all your valuable possessions covered as well.

Case in point

From the safety of a temporary home in Edmonton, Fort McMurray evacuee Shawn Chaulk is rethinking his expensive and extensive hobby.

Chaulk is known as one of this country’s most prolific sports memorabilia collectors – specifically, Oilers and Wayne Gretzky collectibles.  He’s actually been called the Wayne Gretzky of all Wayne Gretzky memorabilia.  He managed to get out of Fort Mac, and at this point be believes his home was actually spared.  But the fright he had and the effort he went to save

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