April 2016

Found 3 blog entries for April 2016.

One of Edmonton’s most popular malls has a new attraction.  Southgate Centre, on 111 Street NW just north of Whitemud, has introduced an interactive display in which users use a touch screen to see how clothes look like on a mannequin.  It’s the modern way to play dress up, only digitally.

The program is called “My Virtual Look”.  Users can scroll through pictures of clothes and accessories which are available from retailers throughout the mall.  Once they find an outfit they like, they can drag the item over to a virtual mannequin to see what they look like when they’re not on a hanger.

The touch screen is 208-centimetres wide giving shoppers the big picture of what a potential outfit might look like on them.  My Virtual Look also provides an

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There are two camps to the current issue on Edmonton’s Whyte Avenue.  Yes – build it.  And no – don’t you dare.

The issue is a proposed 16-storey building called Mezzo, full of condo units just off Whyte Avenue, at 105 Street and 81 Avenue actually.  Edmonton city council will be voting on it this Monday and even councilors are divided on whether it’s a good development for the district.

Old Strathcona isn’t quite the right area, from an aesthetic point of view, for a shiny new condo tower built on a podium, full of classy retailers and sparkling store-front windows.  But the “yay” camp says that this venerable old neighbourhood will start losing its popularity if it doesn’t keep up.  Suburban malls and inner-city revitalization in other areas will

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There’s often period of time in an older person’s life when they are almost too frail to look after their home but too healthy to be considered for a long-term care facility.  Plus, multiple studies show that people fare better and heal more quickly in their home – a place they’re comfortable and where their friends and community are.

Seniors are often on a fixed income, so what happens when their beloved home begins to fall apart or critical mechanical systems in their home, such as the furnace, quit working?

The province of Alberta is developing new guidelines for our senior citizens who want to remain at home but need financial assistance to pay for much needed home repairs or renovations to retrofit homes with assisted devices.


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