A Budget-Friendly Curb Appeal Guide

Posted by Edmonton Homes.ca on Thursday, March 8th, 2018 at 9:52am.

Affordable Curb Appeal TipsHomeowners do not have to dig deep to improve their home's curb appeal. In fact, there are a number of relatively inexpensive upgrades that can make a home more inviting for prospective buyers. What are a few affordable ways homeowners can boost their home's curb appeal? Understand how to cheaply improve the exterior of a home before listing a property today.

Consider Some Paint

Entry points and other area of a home can often benefit from a coat of paint. Rather than pay for a new door, a bit of paint can cover scuff marks and dings. In addition to this area, paint and spray paint can be used to freshen the appearance of metal and vinyl gutters or help other elements blend in with the rest of a home. Paint is an inexpensive fix to address the unavoidable wear and tear that comes to surfaces exposed to various weather conditions and regular use. Paint trim, front steps, planters, mailboxes, doorknobs and more to give a facelift to an older home.

Add Some Green

Make a home more attractive with fresh and seasonal greenery. Regular landscaping and the removal of unhealthy plants are the first step to maintaining an appealing yard. Consider adding bright and cheerful flowers in a garden surrounding trees. A layer of mulch can add more contrast and reduce the need to weed. Sellers not interested in gardening can add plants in window boxes. Simple is often better. Stick to one or two types of plants and feel free to switch out as personal desires or the season dictates.

Maintain a Yard and Home

Most homeowners already own or can easily borrow the tools necessary to keep a property looking good. Sellers should be willing to trim trees, treat bare or dead areas on the lawn, or plant garden edging. Shrubs need to be pruned and weeds removed. Good landscaping can easily set the right tone for any buyer, and offer a good first impression of a Terwillegar Towne home.

Store away pet projects. Small projects left outside, items that need to be repaired and children's toys need to kept in a garage, donated or thrown away. Buyers will be influenced by the general tidiness of the outdoor environment. Tools and supplies should be kept out of immediate sight and organized in sheds or garages.

Speak to Your Agent

Markets, such as in Ottawa, are becoming of more interest, in addition to highly sought-after properties in Toronto and Vancouver. It is important to highlight the best features of a home, including attractive areas and elements of an exterior, when it comes time to list and market a new property. Discuss affordable ways to boost a home's curb appeal and identify any potential eyesores with a trusted agent today.

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